Friday, August 29, 2014


The technical team assist the process of GPS observation test. Regarding plan the BMTL1 located in Dili (Colmera Garden) as GPS base station and connect with 2 other BM which is located in Manatuto District.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Meeting With KARVAK at IPG.IP Office on 27-08-2014

Meeting iha Office IPG-IP iha Audian Dili ho Team Leader Ir. Hary Nugroho M.T.  husi Consultant KARVAK Nusa Geomatika, Indonesia iha loron 27/08/2014.

Objectivo husi sorumutu ida nee maka atu fahe informasaun no 
Progressu Groung survey neebe maka atinze ona.
        Durante halao enkontru iha Pontus inportante neebe ekipa konsidera hanesan Pontus inportante :
  1.  Presija plano Schedule survey neebe klaru (diperlukannya jadwal survey yang terstruktur) .Koalia kona ba Team survey neebe maka atu ba monta estaka ICP no BM  iha territorio timor laran para bele lao tuir plano nebe maka iha ona. Konsultan no ekipa tekniku sei prepara relatorio ba progressu installasaun ICP no BM, nomos presija mapa distribusaun ho Photografia kada distritu.
  2. Progressu installa BM no ICP ( progress pemasangan BM & ICP ). Diskusaun kona ba Progressu Monta Estaka BM no ICP iha distrito 13, atu nune bele plano survey GPS Geodetik ba distrito neebe maka BM no ICP monta hotu ona.
  3. Preparasaun Equipamentu GPS Geodetic ba levantamentu dadus( Persiapan alat GPS geodetik untuk pengambilan data lapangan) Diskusaun mos koalia kona ba atu check GPS Geodetic iha loron 28/08/2014. 
  4. Intallasaun BM iha Palacio do Governo(Pemasangan BM di Palacio do Guverno). Koalia kona ba planu atu monta GPS Real Time  iha BM neebe maka monta ona iha area palacio do guverno atu bele halo monitorizasaun rede Geodetik iha futuru.
  5. Transportasaun(Transportasi) Transpote neebe maka atu uja ba distrito liu-liu ba faze levantamentu dadus GPS Geodetic presija transporte neebe maka bele utiliza iha off-roads no modelu tertutup. 
  6. Band width ba projecto LiDAR ( Penambahan Band Width untuk project LiDAR).Koalia kona ba rede Internet iha Officina IPG-IP neebe maka atu utiliza ba necesidade prosesu dadus LiDAR.
  7.  Lay Out LiDAR work station ( Lay Out tempat kerja LiDAR) Iha ona fase prosesu nia laran no sei finaliza iha tempo semana ida nia laran.
Nama - Nama yang mengikuti Meeting :
  1. Pak Ozzie 
  2. Pak Hary
  3. Pak Ade
  4. Pak Buyung
  5. Pak Indra
  6. Pak Ernesto 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Existing BM - Timor Leste

Modelu BM orde 1 nebe existe iha Timot Leste (Land and Property). Ekipa tekniku kolabora ho terras e propriedade Diresaun Kartografia Nacional atu utiliza BM nebe iha.
Ekipa tekniku halo survey atu bele identifika modelu antena nebe iha, hodi nuneƩ atu prepara ba GPS survey hodi sai hanesan pontu referencia geodetiku ba procesu levantamentu dadus GPS.


Technical Team dan Konsultan Berangkat Ke Ainaro 26-08-2014

Pada Tanggal 26-08-2014 technical Team dengan Consultant berangkat dari Dili ke Ainaro guna melanjutkan Ground Survey ICP Point di wilayah Ainaro.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ground Survey ICP Point on 25-08-2014

Perkembangan Ground Survey untuk District Liquisa dan Ermera telah hampir selesai dan masih berlanjut. Untuk perkembangan Survey pada tanggal 25-08-2014 berikut hasilnya.

ICP installation on 22-23 August 2014

The progress of LiDAR ground survey by the TT and Consultant has been installed and identify other area western part of RDTL territory. On 22 and 23 of August 2014, TT focus in Aileu, Lequica, Ermera and Manatuto.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ground Survey ICP Point Aileu Suco Liurai Aldeia Fatubesi

Technical Team on 21 of august 2014 continue Installing ICP in Aileu District, suco Fatubosa aldeia Fatubesi and Raimaso.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Planning Base Camp For Ground Survey in Ainaro,Same,Covalima and Bobonaro

The Technical Team and Consultant had a meeting on 19 of August 2014 at IPG office, focus on next plan for  installing BM and ICP which is cover Western part of Timor Leste Territory (Bobonaro-Maliana-Covalima-Ainaro-Manufahi). Technical team based on planed, the first team will start survey on 20 until 30/08/2014.

Ground Survey Benchmark and ICP in Aileu District

Ground Survey In Aileu District BM and ICP. 19-08-2014