Monday, February 8, 2016

Quality Control Dadus LiDAR Dia 08-02-2016

Tuir mai ne'e Kontinuasaun QC Foto ho nia Tile ou Block nebe mak atinji ona QC mak hanesan: (294-9058,294-9056,294-9054,294-9052,) and (294-9060,294-9062,294-9064,294-9066,294-9068,294-9070,294-9072,292-9066,292-9068,292-9070,
292-9072,292-9074) Image Stretching and Blur and Split

Hanesan Informasaun deit katak QC kontinua nafatin no ERROR nebe mak hetan mos sei hadia akompnha para bele resolve tuir.

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